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Business Payday Loan: Short Term Advance Funding

What is a Business Payday Loan?

A business payday loan – or business cash advance — is a form of short term financing used to help with a company’s immediate financing needs. A small business can usually apply and get an preapproval within an hour or two with providing a minimal amount of personal and business financial documentation. A small business payday loan can then be funded very quickly, with the money deposited into your company’s account within days, if not the same day.

What is a Cash Advance?

A business payday cash advance isn’t really a loan in the traditional sense, because no lending actually takes place. Instead, when a company gets a payday cash advance they are, instead, selling some of their future earnings to a merchant cash advance company agrees to purchase those revenues in exchange for an immediate upfront deposit into the selling company’s bank account. Payday loans can either require selling the company’s future bank account deposits, or the sale of a percentage of the transactions volume that the company does through credit card transactions.

How Does a Cash advance Differ From a Payday Loan?

While a payday loan is a way for an individual to access instant cash, it is also a true loan. When we say “true loan” we mean money is actually being lent from a lender to a borrower, and the terms of the loans are established beforehand. A loan uses an interest rate that is usually specified using an APR. A cash advance isn’t a loan at all, because its actually a business-to-business transaction, thus: these transactions aren’t regulated in ways traditional loans are.

What Are The Payday Loan Uses?

Uses for payday loans are generally for working capital uses. A business may find that its cash is running low, and needs to obtain fast financing to help bridge liabilities, a payday loan is a pretty good option – provided you don’t already have access to a line-of-credit or even business credit cards. Payday loans for businesses are also used to help with payroll should the need arise. The thought of being late with payroll may be horrifying. Knowing you can access a fast business payroll advance can give a business owner peace of mind knowing funds are available. There are times when a company may find they need to replace a piece of equipment immediately. Say if you’re a restaurant a crucial oven or stove breaks on you, and you need to finance need equipment within hours – where do you go? That restaurant can get a payroll cash advance in a day or two to replace the equipment. These are but a small sample of the uses a company could use business payday funding for.

What Are The Requirements for Business Payday Loans?

The requirements for payday cash advances depends upon the many dozens of MCA payday lenders you go to. Each payday business lender have different requirements, but also varying funding programs. Some offer payday loans that require factoring credit card transactions. Some payday funders require factoring a set amount of the small businesses’ bank deposits. There are other funders that will split fund between the two – essentially taking repayment through a combination of both credit card transactions and Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments.

What are the Benefits of a Business Payday Loan?

The benefits of a business payday loan depends upon the uses. While a payday loan may be expensive to the company, if getting quick cash helps with an immediate business needs, its benefits may be enormous. Such short term funding may be the difference between a small business, retail shop, restaurant, machine shop or just about any type of firm keeping operations running, and shutting-down for a period of time – which could ruin a company.

What are the Drawbacks?

The major drawback of a payday loan is the fact it can be expensive – often extremely expensive. Usually the payback amount is usually 1.1 to 1.5 times the amount that is borrowed. These factor rates don’t include any additional fees the merchant cash advance funder may charge the borrower. Even more, these advances are paid back anywhere from 4 – 18 months, with many immediate financing company’s providing advances of 6 months or less. By having to payback the loan so quickly, it can strain a company’s  cash flow. Also straining cash flow is the fact that payments are being paid on a daily basis (although there are some funding companies that will accept weekly payments).

What is the Process of a Business Payday Loan?

  • 1. Application process – To apply for a payday business loan, a company needs to supply a signed credit application so the funder can check business and personal credit, as well as to check to see if the small business has any existing liens for tax issues, and to see if the borrower has taken any advances previously that the borrower is still paying-back. The applicant will also need to supply 6 months bank statements so the MCA lender can analyze cash-flow, and determine what amount a borrower can get and be able to payback comfortably without putting the business at risk.
  • 2. Funding process – After the applicant has been preapproved and agrees what amount of funding they’re going to accept, the funder will then supply the applicant with contracts laying out the conditions of financing, as well as layoff a list of stipulations needed before the advance company will complete funding. The list of stipulations may include supplying business tax returns, business license, site inspection, AR reports, past bank statements, payoff letters from other funders, among other things
  • 3. Documents required – Documents required are always a driver’s license and voided check, along with completed contracts, and often a COJ (confession of judgments). Confessions of Judgements often need to be overnighted to the MCA or ACH lender before they will complete funding.

Types of Business Payday Loans

Types Rates Terms Funding
Short Term 1.10-1.50 4-6 months 1-2 days
Long Term 1.10-1.50 12-21 months 3-5 days
  • Short term payday loans – used for short term working capital purposes, and provided to companies that have bad credit, have multiple cash advances, or present higher risk to the funding companies. Short term cash advance lenders usually have terms that range from 4-6 months for 1st or multiple positions. Along with the shorter terms comes higher rates, with factor rates ranging anywhere from 1.1 to 1.5, with most of these funders providing factor rates on the higher end.
  • Long Term Payday loans – Long term payday cash advances are 1st position cash advances that range from 12-21 months, or 2nd position cash advances that range between 9-18 months. Another advanctage of these long term cash advance companies is that they may on occasion offer weekly payments, which could help with a company’s cash flow while servicing the debt.

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Baldwin Financial Groups is a nationally recognized leader in the financing industry for providing the best business lending solutions available to small and mid-sized businesses. We leverage our network of 4,000 competing commercial lenders to provide your business the largest selection of commercial financing options.

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