Baldwin Financial Groups Business Loan Broker | Network of 4,000 Business Lenders Thu, 09 Apr 2020 00:42:59 +0000 en hourly 1 Baldwin Financial Groups 32 32 Paycheck Protection Program Broker: SBA PPP Experts, Help & Assistance Mon, 30 Mar 2020 04:31:00 +0000

Paycheck Protection Program Application Experts

With GDP collapsing – some projecting a -50.0% GDP loss in Q2 of 2020, and with the unemployment rate skyrocketing (projected to be be 24-30% at some point in 2020) Congress stepped-in to both inject stimulus into the economy, and to help stop the skyrocketing of unemployment due to the Coronavirus epidemic. For many, a solution has come in the new bill passed on March 26, 2020, named the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act introducing the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as the main endowment in Title 1—the Keeping American Workers Paid and Employed Act. The way it works is, it will be overseen by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide emergency lending under its 7(a) lending program for companies who are adversely affected by the outbreak of COVID-19.  Then, those under section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. More specifically, it will help small businesses and nonprofits cover operating expenses along with incentives for employers to retain employees, with a lending capacity of $349 billion. So at $349 billion, it will address the vast majority of the small business assistance provided in the Phase III legislation—an essential and neglected aspect of the Congressional response to the pandemic thus far. Furthermore, since many companies have already laid off workers as a response to COVID-19, the program can be retroactive, with the covered loan period running from Feb.15 to June 30, 2020, allowing formerly laid off workers or furloughed employees to be returned to payrolls.

Quick-jump to the following sections:


Now many may be wondering how and if their business is eligible, and there are a few requirements needed to receive the assistance. These would include small businesses that employ fewer than 500 employees. As for the hospitality industry, specifically; restaurants, food service, caterers, and hotels, as long as they have 500 or fewer employees per physical location, they are eligible to receive a single loan if operating in North American Industry Classification System Sector 72.  Then, the program also removes the “Credit Elsewhere Test,” which requires extensive analysis to determine if the company can obtain some or all of the requested loan funds from alternate sources, without causing excessive hardship. Additionally, no collateral or personal guarantee shall be required for the covered loan. As for the size of the loan, a business can receive, the maximum loan amount must be the lesser of 2.5 months’ payroll or $10,000,000. Hence, to determine the 250 percent of average monthly payroll costs, businesses should reflect the average monthly payroll costs during the one year before the date on which the loan is made. For those seasonal businesses, it is advised to calculate the 2.5 months’ payroll using the 12 weeks beginning Feb.15, 2019, or March 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2019. Seasonal establishments will multiply this average by 2.5.

Moreover, there are restrictions and guidelines for how the money is to be used. These would be a restriction for any salaries above $100,000 per year and any qualified sick leave wages for which a tax credit is allowed under section 7001 0r 7003 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. As for how the funds are distributed, it only can be utilized for employee salary or wages, cash tips, or equivalent payments, payment of any retirement benefit, vacation, parental, family, medical, or sick leave payments. Plus, mortgage payments, rent, and utility payments, interest on debt obligations previous to Feb.15, 2020, and amount of state or local tax assessed on the compensation of employees. On top of that, the program includes some generous features for borrowers, involving six months to one year of deferred repayment, fee waivers, and streamlines application requirements. However, most importantly, the borrowers are eligible for loan forgiveness equal to the sum spent on covered costs during the eight weeks after the loan is created. The typical expenses would involve rent, payroll, utilities, and mortgage interest obligations. In nature, these forgivable loans turn into grants, meaning the qualifying businesses would not see a significant increase in their debt burdens. Although to keep the credit, employers must maintain full-time equivalent employees or else face a reduction in the loan. Since many businesses were forced to reduce staff, the legislation includes a clause that allows them to qualify for loan forgiveness if they hire back to the proper amount of employee levels by June 30, 2020. So far, this is what we know of the program and what the U.S. is doing to repair some of the damage done to small businesses to help them weather the crisis until regular operations can resume. Moreover, take a look at the rest of the article to see how Paycheck Protection Program brokers and experts like Baldwin Financial Groups could be of service to your business in these challenging times.

Paycheck Protection Program Loans

This is a program that can save many businesses as well as provide job assurance and economic benefit during the Coronavirus crisis. Below we will take a look at the details surrounding the program.



Rates 0% if forgiven, 4% if not
Terms Up to 10 years
Funding Amounts Up to $10,000,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees 0%


  • Bring back employees laid-off: Retroactive to February 15, 2020 to bring back employees who may have been laid-off from that time until funds are received.
  • No personal Guarantee required: Historically, SBA loans would require a personal guarantee by any person who is 20% owner or more. Under this program, no personal guarantee is needed.
  • No collateral: while many SBA and other business loans will require collateral be provided if available, no collateral is required for the Paycheck Protection Program.
  • No commingling of funds: Funds that are received under other SBA loan programs cannot be used for the same uses as the PPP.
  • Deferred payments: payments for the loan are deferred between 6 months to 12 months. Interest is still accrued during this period.


Application Checklist

The final deadline for the Paycheck Protection Program is June 30th 2020. As long as you apply before then, you can receive funds for your payroll dating back to February 15, 2020. Here is what is needed to apply:

  • Completed Application
  • SBA Form 1919 or SBA Form 912
  • IRS Form 940 and 941
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Operating agreement
  • Previous 12-month income statement & balance sheet
  • Payroll Report or Employee Pay Stubs
  • Bank statements
  • Driver’s Licenses
  • Payroll Expense verification documents to include:
  • IRS Form 940 and 941 (attached)
  • Breakdown of payroll benefits
  • Certification that all employees live within the United States.
  • Most recent Mortgage Statement or Rent Statement
  • Most recent Utility Bills


Businesses that Qualify

  • Businesses with fewer than 500 employees
  • Businesses that meet the SBA’s revenue standards
  • Nonprofits and 501 (c ) 3
  • Sole proprietorships
  • Self-employed businesses
  • Independent contractors
  • Veterans Organizations (501©(19)
  • A Tribal business concern that meets the SBA size standard



  • Covering the cost of payroll including salaries
  • Health care costs on a continual basis
  • Rent/lease payments
  • Utility costs
  • Interest payments on loan/debts originated before February 15, 2020
  • Severance pay
  • tate or local taxes assessed on the compensation of employees


Loan Forgiveness

If a business keeps all of their employees (based on the average number of employees they had over the past 12 months) the entirety of the loan is forgiven – essentially turning it into a tax-free grant. If an employer reduces their payroll, the business will be responsible for and equal percentage of the loan that they reduce their employment by. For instance, if a business reduces payroll by 10% as compared to the previous 12 months, they will be responsible for 10% of the loan amount and 90% of the loan will be forgiven. The part that they will be responsible for will be at the 10-year term at 12% interest rate. If a company has already reduced their payroll after February 15, 2020, they can still be forgiven for the full loan amount if they rehire those employees by June 30, 2020.


  • Borrower and lender fees are waived
  • Prepayment fees are waived

Get Started

This program must be taken advantage of by all companies suffering the economic effects of the Coronavirus / COVID-19 epidemic. But this process must be completed by qualified SBA 7(a) lenders. If you need help packaging and submitting to qualified SBA lenders, please reach-out to our Paycheck Protection Program experts and we will navigate the process for you.

Coronavirus SBA Disaster Loan Broker: Help Applying for COVID-19 SBA Disaster Loans Thu, 19 Mar 2020 07:28:57 +0000

SBA Disaster Loan Program Brokers

As you may know, the Coronavirus has had a detrimental effect on the U.S. and world economy. With the spread of the epidemic, businesses across the nation are being affected greatly both directly and indirectly. Restaurants have been ordered closed, and those that are still open are seeing a dramatic drop in sales and revenue – especially if they are dine-in only, and lack strong take-out and delivery sales. Orders to shelter-in-place are only allowing essential movements, forcing workers to stay at home and work, or worse: causing massive layoffs and a skyrocket in applications for unemployment benefits. At the time of this writing in mid-March 2020, nearly 17% of workers have either been laidoff, or seen their work hours cut dramatically. All of this has caused the economy to essentially dip into recession, if not an outright depression. Because of this, businesses are hurting and in need of cash for working capital to stay afloat but, sadly, many lenders have either greatly reduced their lending, or stopped lending entirely – leaving small businesses without access to cash to help meet their needs. In an attempt to help rescue small businesses across the nation, the SBA has been provided with $50 billion in funding to help provide business loans with low-interest, long-term loans to provide the liquidity and working capital to help weather the storm through the use of the SBA Disaster Loan Program. In this article we will look at the SBA Disaster Loan Program, and provide guidance on how our business loan brokers can help you apply and navigate the process to help fund your business.

Disaster Loan Program Overview


The disaster loan program was created by the Small Business Administration to offer affordable federal disaster financing to help individuals (both homeowners and renters) and businesses of all sizes (including both for-profit and nonprofit) that are suffering major economic injury by events in areas that have been declared disaster areas. Once an area has been declared a disaster area by a state governor, they then will then request the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide an Economic Disaster Loan declaration (under the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act).

The Presidential declaration relating to the COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 virus (which led to the Coronavirus Pandemic) allows the U.S. Small Business Administration to begin releasing low-interest economic aid to small businesses, agricultural co-ops, aquaculture companies and nonprofits affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster to help these businesses meet their working capital and cash-flow needs or and other usual operating expenses through the epidemic’s recovery period. All businesses are eligible to use these funds if they have faced economic damage – so actual physical damage isn’t required.




  • Must be in a state that has been certified by the SBA as having suffered substantial economic injury – which requires the state’s governor to request such designation from the SBA. When the request is received by the SBA is issue authority provided by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriation.
  • Loan must be used for working capital purposes including paying debt, making payroll and paying other bills that were unable to be paid due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2) outbreak.
  • Credit must not be available elsewhere. If such credit is available elsewhere, the business will not be eligible for financing under the SBA Disaster Loan Program.


Rates and Terms


Rates Terms
For-Profit  3.75% Up to 30 years
Nonprofit  2.00% Up to 30 years


Application Process


  • 1) the business owner must apply directly through the SBA. Applicants are encouraged to apply online, but they can also apply in-person, by mail, or by calling 1‐800‐659‐2955.
  • 2) An SBA loan officer will check the business’s eligibility and request the documents needed to underwrite the loan. The process is designed to take around 3 weeks to complete.
  • 3) Once an application is approved, the loan officer will then send the business owner closing documents, and once signed an initial dispersal of $25,000 is made to the business, with future dispersal made soon after.


Documents required


  • Business Loan Application — (SBA Form 5) completed and signed by business applicant.
  • IRS Form 4506-T — completed and signed by Applicant business, each principal owning 20% or more of the applicant business, each general partner or managing member and, for any owner who has more than a 50% ownership in an affiliate business. (Affiliates include business parent, subsidiaries, and/or businesses with common ownership or management).
  • Business tax returns — Complete copies, including all schedules, of the most recent Federal income tax returns for the applicant business; an explanation if not available.
  • Personal Financial Statement — (SBA Form 413) completed, signed and dated by the applicant (if a sole proprietorship), each principal owning 20% or more of the applicant business, each general partner or managing member.
  • Schedule of Liabilities — listing all fixed debts (SBA Form 2202 may be used).

Additional information that may be necessary to process your application:

  • Personal tax returns — Complete copies, including all schedules, of the most recent Federal income tax returns for each principal owning 20% or more of the applicant business, each general partner or managing member, and each affiliate when any owner has more than a 50% ownership in the affiliate business. Affiliates include, but are not limited to, business parents, subsidiaries, and/or other businesses with common ownership or management.
  • Year-end Profit and loss statement — If the most recent Federal income tax return has not been filed, a year-end profit and loss statement and balance sheet for that tax year.
  • Current P&L — year-to-date profit and loss statement.
  • SBA form 1368 — providing monthly sales figures


Alternative Disaster Loan Options


SBA 7(a) program — Largest SBA loan program provided by lending partners (large banks, small banks, community banks and credit unions) in which the lender provides funding, and the SBA agrees to cover the majority of the lender’s losses should the borrower fail to repay the loan. Uses for SBA 7(a) loans include: working capital; expansion; new construction; purchase of land or buildings; purchase of equipment, fixtures; lease-hold improvements; refinancing debt for compelling reasons; seasonal line of credit; inventory; or starting a business.

SBA Express — loan program provides loans up to $350,000 for no more than 7 years for term loans, and 3 year interest-only lines of credit that have an option to revolve. The SBA has a turnaround time of 36 hours for approval or denial of a completed SBA Express loan application. The uses of proceeds are the same as the SBA 7(a) standard loan program

SBA Microloan — program involves making loans through nonprofit lending organizations to underserved markets. Authorized use of SBA Microloan proceeds includes working capital, supplies, machinery & equipment, and fixtures (does not include real estate). The maximum loan amount is $50,000 with the average loan size of $14,000.

Bank loans – provide conventional business financing with rates that are similar to SBA 7(a) loans, that can be used for a variety of uses including purchases, working capital, equipment financing, refinancing and consolidating of debt, making payroll, paying bills and just about every other business use.

Mid prime loans – provide businesses with access to quick yet affordable financing. While the rates are a bit higher than SBA 7(a) loans, and the terms are shorter than standard SBA loans, the application and funding process can be completed in as little as a week, with much less paperwork and underwriting. Additionally, the credit requirements for mid prime business loans are lower than SBA loans, and no collateral is required.

Cash advances – Provides businesses in need of fast financing with the ability to receive funds in as few as 24 hours, if not the very same day they apply. Documentation requirements for cash advances are much fewer than all of the business financing options, with the business owner only needing to provide a signed application and bank statements to get an offer, and some other verification documents to have funds wired to their account.


The SBA application and funding process, in theory, should be completed in just three weeks. But, historically after a disaster, the program has taken as long as 5 months on average to complete funding for small businesses. Additionally, only around 11% of SBA Disaster Loans have gone to business loans in the past. Add in the fact that we are facing an unprecedented situation due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) essentially shutting-down whole sectors of the economy, and the rush to apply for funds may very well overwhelm the limited number of SBA loan officers available to help process SBA Disaster loans. That is why it is key to apply for the SBA Disaster Loan Program quickly to get to the front of the queue, as it is also important to make sure the SBA application is filled-out correctly – as an improperly completed application will cause the borrower to start over again from the back of the line. So if you are a business looking to apply for an SBA Disaster Loan, or a business that was declined for the program, and need assistance securing financing, please reach-out to one of our SBA Disaster Loan Brokers, and we will help you navigate the funding process.

]]> COVID-19 Emergency Business Loans: Fast Coronavirus Business Funding Wed, 18 Mar 2020 01:47:55 +0000

COVID-19 Emergency Funding Options

Virtually every business throughout the country are being affected by the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. Regardless of region and industry, businesses are either taking a direct hit because of closings and restrictions, or being taking a indirect hit because of loss of demand due to patrons and customers limiting their purchases and needs for services. In this article we will look at bridge financing and alternative business lending options for businesses affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19 – SARS-CoV-2) virus

Quick-jump to the following sections:

No one would have predicted that travel, schools, businesses, the NBA, and Entertainment around the world would be virtually suspended within a one-week period in this new decade. In recent news, the global entertainment market surpassed $100 billion in revenues for the first time in history in 2019 and prepared for another profitable year, while the NBA’s average 15,000-20,000 fans per game were the norm. Now, officials and government around the world are urging or forcing businesses and schools to close. Also, to create alternatives to combat the spread of the COVID-19 and keep the economy afloat. However, some still may not know how the COVID-19 began and why it has created a pandemic in such a short time.

Thus, the virus was actually on the radar of many health professionals months before it hit the U.S. and other parts of the world. The first known case was in November of 2019, leading to 270 people infected, weeks before authorities acknowledged the new virus. Doctors were forced to keep it under wraps (some still tried to warn colleagues and were reprimanded as a result), leading the Chinese government to be widely criticized over their attempts to cover up the outbreak in the early weeks. Originating in Wuhan in Hubei province, the pandemic has infected at least 128,343 people across the world and killed 4,702. Out of those among this group, 68,324 people have recovered, while 81,000 of the cases occurred in China. It has now reached over 100 countries since the first incident and is proving to be highly contagious and quickly spread. Even among all these cases, the virus’ symptoms are not specific and are similar to the common flu and other diseases, making it harder to pin down without confirmatory testing. Another possible troubling factor is that infected people without symptoms might be encouraging the spread of COVID-19 more than we realized. Such as with the current outbreak in Massachusetts that further support this. Officials are mostly emphasizing that the virus spreads mainly by people who are already showing symptoms. These include cough, fever, or difficulty breathing. However, it is becoming more complicated with the Massachusetts Coronavirus cluster that had 82 cases started by people who were showing no symptoms. Studies are showing that these people without symptoms are causing considerable amounts of infection. Nevertheless, even with the asymptomatic cases, the primary driver is still the symptomatic individuals. As for children, COVID-19 is shown to be not as severe but should nevertheless be taken seriously to avoid passing it to others.

Moreover, it is essential to not only know how the virus came to be but what it is. Therefore, coined COVID-19, it is caused by a member of the Coronavirus family (come from animals) in which this particular one has never been encountered before. Symptoms similar to the flu, the virus can cause pneumonia, but in extreme cases, there can be organ failure. Furthermore, the type of pneumonia is viral, making antibiotics ineffective, plus the antiviral drugs against the flu will not work. To fight the infection and recovery, it depends on the strength of the immune system. A large number of people who have died were already in poor health. For individuals that suspect they have it (cough or high temperature), it is recommended by medical professionals that they stay at home for seven days, keep away from other people—even those in your home. If symptoms get worse after seven days, it is advised to visit the doctor. However, to narrow down the symptoms to the most concerning, look out for shortness of breath, followed by a high fever and worsening cough. People older than 65 and with previous medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cancer, HIV, chronic kidney disease, or taking immunosuppressive medications are especially at risk for contracting COVID-19 and it being fatal as well. Moreover, individuals and businesses are encouraged to work from home and limit contact with large groups when possible to help combat this steadily growing virus to save lives and support the economy as much as possible going forward.

COVID-19 Emergency Funding Options

We understand that as a business owner, the loss of business and uncertainty in local, state and national economy due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is greatly affecting your business. Many companies are facing loss of revenue while still having obligations like making payroll for staff, making upgrades to your company, paying bills, paying taxes, etc.. Because of this, many companies are now seeking financing for working capital for the first time and may find it hard to navigate the business lending process. Below we will take a look at the top emergency funding options for companies dealing with the effects of COVID-19 (Coronovirus).

SBA Disaster Loans

This is the most sought-after financing options for business affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. This program offers low rate financing (3.75% for businesses that are for-profit companies, and 2.0% nonprofit companies) with terms as long as 30 years. While this is a fantastic option for companies seeking SARS-CoV-2 relief, the process is still unclear and, at best, would take nearly a month to fund. Additionally, not every state government has applied to have their state designated as a disaster area – which is needed to apply for such loans. Additionally, expecting a huge influx of applications, the SBA loan officers (who are already dealing with low manpower) may be completely overwhelmed, therefore the process may take as long as 2 months to get approved.

Rates 2-3.75%
Terms Up to 30 years
Funding Amounts Up to $2,000,000
Collateral Required if Available
Fees Low costs


SBA 7(a) Loans

This is the flagship program of the SBA loan program. SBA 7(a) loans offer great rates and long terms for a variety of uses, including business purchases, refinancing, and most of all working capital. Unfortunately, this process may also take as long as 30-45 days, but a subprogram of the 7(a) program is the Express program that can fund much quicker (3-10 days)

Rates 6-7%
Terms 3-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Low costs


SBA Express Loans

This SBA 7(a) Express program offers loans up to $350,000 and can be structured as either a term loan, or an interest-only line of credit. The funding process is much quicker than the general 7(a) loan because the individual banks, community lenders and credit unions who are approved to offer SBA Express loans are able to fully-underwrite and approve loans in a way that requires less work from the SBA. In return, the SBA can give final approval in just days, and funding occurs within a week of application

Rates 6-8%
Terms 3-7 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$350,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Low costs


SBA Disaster Bridge Loans

Since much of the SBA Disaster Loan program is still not fully operational (as of the date this article was published) many companies needing immediate financing may look for alternative options to help bridge their needs will waiting for approval for SBA Disaster Loan approval. Additionally, since many SBA resources have been depleted over recent years, SBA loan officer manpower may become completely overwhelmed by the huge influx of applications. Add in the fact that only 11% of SBA Disaster Loans have traditionally been used for personal property destruction – not for businesses – the program may have lots of problems to work out. Therefore, alternative funding options may be needed to help provide COVID-19 affected businesses bridge options until they complete their Coronavirus SBA Disaster Loans application process.

Rates 9-20%
Terms Up to 5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Bank Loans

Banks offer both conventional term loans and lines of credit for businesses affected by the COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) pandemic. For most, the process can take as long, or even longer than it takes to get funded through the SBA Disaster Loan program. But, if you have a good relationship with your local bank, community lender or credit union, you may find yourself in a position in which you can obtain bridge financing while you complete the SBA Disaster Loan process.

Rates 5-10%
Terms 1-7 years
Funding Amounts $10,000 – $5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Low to Medium costs


Alternative Loans

Mid prime alternative business loans are a great funding option for companies affected by the Coronavirus who are looking for lower-rate financing without having to wait more than a week for financing, as well as limit the amount of paperwork involved in the application and underwriting process. Mid prime loans can have rates as low as single digits with terms as long as 5 years, while only needing a year or two of tax returns and 6 months of bank statements. From application to funding, the process can be completed in less than a week

Rates 5-20%
Terms 1-5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Cash Advance

Cash advances are simply the fastest alternative funding options for Coronavirus affected businesses. The process of getting approved for a cash advance only requires an application and 4 months most recent bank statements, with approvals provided within an hour. Additionally, for companies that get approved for cash advance alternative financing, they can receive funds in as little as a few hours – so its not uncommon for COVID-19 cash advances to fund the same day a business applies.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


0% APR Credit Cards

For business owners with credit scores above 700 and have not exhausted more than 50% of their own credit cards, a good financing option for these COVID-19 affected businesses could be an unsecured 0% APR credit cards. This preapproved unsecured financing is a quality form of COVID-19 alternative business funding because the rate is 0% APR for 12 months before it readjusts to a higher rate. This allows businesses to have the breathing room to take care of their liabilities while they work on securing longer-term financing.

Factor rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1 Year+
Funding Amounts $10,000-$100,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


As you can see there are plenty of funding options for staffing companies – especially those looking for short or long-term working capital. While there are many options to choose from, the abundance of options may be confusing to some business owners. If you’re a staffing company and looking for the best possible financing, please feel free to reach-out to one of our funding specialists, and we’ll help you secure the best possible financing.

COVID-19 Nursing & Medical Clinic Loans: Coronavirus Loans For Healthcare Facilities Mon, 16 Mar 2020 05:49:51 +0000

SARS-CoV-2 Nursing and Staffing Loans

With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus, many healthcare-related companies are in search of nurses, nurse practitioners and traveling nurses to help staff up their medical facilities. But, as is always the case with staffing, it requires having capital to hire these nurses. In this article we will take a look at the financing options available to health care facilities to help them hire nurses during this Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 virus) pandemic.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

Nurses are the glue that holds a patient’s healthcare together and are more critical to the healthcare industry than they get credit for when compared to doctors. This is especially true with the recent outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 (also known as COVID-19, which leads to the Coronavirus). Their approach to medicine may differ from other health care providers as they practice many specialties with different levels of authority and their public image generally takes on the role of a caregiver. However, image aside nurses combine physical science, social science, nursing theory, and technology to care for their patients. Today, the nursing industry is expanding on their philosophies and measures to treat individuals in a plethora of ways, that are improving the lives of people in need. Moreover, future nurses can look forward to their demand to grow by 36% in need of RNs in hospitals by 2020. Plus, just in 2018 alone, 581,500 new RN jobs were created with much more positive growth to come.

Therefore, future trends happening in the nursing industry are influenced by the increased cost of healthcare, changes in federal and state regulations, and customer care to name a few. So as the cost of healthcare increases, patients are unable to get the level of care needed to prevent chronic illnesses in severely ill patients and diseases from developing. Consequently, this leads to an increase in extremely ill patients and higher hospital bills as well as increased health care costs. Changes in healthcare regulations are bringing issues as well. In particular, dealing with patient care as they are worried about not having managed care covered, resulting in them not getting the same level of treatments that a person with traditional insurance would. Nurses should be aware of this to give their patients adequate treatment they deserve. Another challenge for nurses is the increasingly complex needs of the population, so nurses are beginning to learn interdisciplinary skills. Nurses are now handling everything from dental disciplines to social issues.

Additionally, there is a trend of nurses working beyond their retirement age. With the recent nursing shortage, this became apparent. Studies speculate that this is caused by the latest recession which laid off numerous people. As a result, nurses are feeling either more secure in their jobs or simply working past the retirement age. The next trend is creeping up in just about every industry which is the reality that consumers across the board are becoming more informed. So when it comes to health, consumers are more educated about their health than ever before and understand how nutrition and exercise play a huge role in retaining longevity and preventing diseases. Now, nurses must be able to take in this information to communicate with more educated consumers. Nurses need to be more informed about the changes in demographics as well. Nowadays, people are living longer, and the international community in the United States has also increased. What has grown with it is the chronic diseases forcing nurses to figure out new ways to combat the ailments in unique or special ways. Thus, understanding the needs of a diverse and aging population is a must for today’s nurses.

Currently, we are also in the age of technology—another trend affecting most industries. Hence, nursing like most healthcare professions is embracing technological advantages. Nurses have had to educate themselves to use these devices to improve their patient care. Some gains for nurses using these devices have benefited from the reduced administration time and increased accuracy in treatment and medical records keeping. Nurses are now expected to look up treatment options when necessary, use computer technology to obtain patient information, and save their data. Other ways this trend has helped nurses and healthcare professionals across the board are technologies ability to reach out to those who were unable to commute to a hospital or other care facility. Nurses can provide these people with medical information and prescriptions. There are even toll-free numbers to contact nurses through their insurance companies to ask medical questions, reducing the number of emergency room visits each day. Lastly, advances in scientific research are on the rise too. With the increase in nursing scholarships in research, it has lead to better patient care and enhancement with the way patients experience treatment. Conclusively, the nursing profession is undergoing many advancements that are making their jobs much more efficient, allowing more time with the patients to give the best care possible.

Types of Coronavirs & COVID-19 Nursing Loans

As medical and healthcare facilities see and influx of patients they will need to hire additional staff to prevent being overwhelmed. Below we will take a look at the various funding options available to help medical and healthcare facilities obtain short-term and long-term financing to meet these challenges in hiring nursing staff and make payroll.

SBA Loans

For medical practice and healthcare-related facilities, one of the top options for financing are SBA loans. SBA loans are a type of conventional financing provided by banks in which the government agrees to cover most of the lenders’ exposure in case of a default by a medical practice or healthcare-related facility should they be unable to repay their loan. SBA lending has multiple programs available, including SBA 7(a) loans, SBA 504 loans, SBA Express and SBA disaster loans. While this is a great program to obtain low-cost, long-term financing, the process may take some time to complete. But, should you qualify and fulfill the due diligence process, you will have rates as low at 5-7% with terms ranging from 3-10 years for working capital purposes.

Rates 5-7%
Terms 3-30 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees low costs


SBA Disaster Loans

SBA disaster loans are a program meant to help businesses in areas where a disaster has hit, and conventional financing isn’t available. This program was recently beefed-up to help businesses affected by the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 more commonly known as COVID-19, the virus that leads to the Coronavirus). The U.S. Government has pledged up to $50 billion dollars in relief assistance to help businesses affected by the Coronavirus. Businesses will be able to qualify for rates as low as 3.75% (and 2% for nonprofits) with terms up to 30 years.


Rates 2-3.75%
Terms up to 30 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$2,000,000
Collateral May be required
Fees  Low costs


Bank Loans

Bank lending is by far the cheapest form of financing available to medical and healthcare facilities needing to hire nurses and make payroll for staffing due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. While the rates are certainly affordable, the process of obtaining the loan may be time consuming and the requirements are certainly stringent. But if you meet the criteria for bank lending to hire your staff, you will have fantastic rates and terms, with minimal fees.

Rates 5-10%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Usually required
Fees Low costs


Midprime Loans

Midprime loans are loans that provide healthcare-related businesses with quality working capital options and bridge loans at an affordable rate, without the time consuming underwriting and due diligence processes associated with SBA loans and SBA disaster lending. This can be a useful form of financing for healthcare companies that need money quickly to help staff-up their businesses during the Coronavirus crisis.

Rates 8-15%
Terms 1-5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Cash Advances

Healthcare-related cash advances are the fastest type of financing used for working capital and SBA bridge loans for healthcare companies that need financing the same day as they apply or, at least, within 1-3 days to help hire nursing staff and make payroll. But there is a tradeoff for the fast financing, as the cost of borrowing for cash advances is much higher than more conventional financing options. But if the need is immediate, there aren’t any other options to obtain up to $250,000 within hours to hire staff and make payroll.

Rates 1.08 – 1.49
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $10,000 – $2,000,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Lines of Credit

Lines of credit are a way for healthcare-related companies and nursing homes to have preapproved financing available to hire staff to deal with the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 – COVID-19) pandemic. Lines of Credit can be secured by the companies accounts receivable and invoices or may be unsecured using the businesses credit to get approved. Lines of credit can be provided by banks, SBA lending or asset-based lenders.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral May be Required
Fees low costs


0% Credit Cards

Business credit cards with 0% APR are another type of unsecured financing used by healthcare and medical-related businesses to hire staff and make payroll to deal with the Coronavirus and other infectious diseases. While the APR is 0%, it is only that low for a year, before it resets at a much higher interest rate. Therefore this tool is best used as a bridge loan until you refinance it before the year is up.

Factor rates 0% APR for 12 months
Terms 12 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$100,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low costs for 12 months


There are plenty of funding options for healthcare and medical related businesses in need of hiring nurses and staff to help with the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The key is finding the best option for your unique circumstances. If you need help obtaining a coronavirus nurse staffing loan, please reach-out to one of our funding specialists, and we will help you obtain the best option for your company

Coronavirus Business Loans: Coronavirus Emergency Working Capital Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:44:25 +0000

Working Capital For Business Affected By COVID-19

As you may know the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic is burdening small businesses like we haven’t seen before. Businesses are being hurt due to low volume of customers and because supply chains are being disrupted. Unless the Coronavirus is controlled soon, the economy is at risk of a sudden stop. Making things worse is the fact that many lenders now view entire sectors of the economy as off-limits as far as providing business loans and working capital due to the fact that businesses effected by the Coronavirus may be incapable to bringing in enough revenue to be able to payback their loans. In this article we will look at some of the financing options available to businesses affected by the Coronavirus.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

Just weeks ago, the first case of COVID-19 (the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2) was reported in China. Since then the disease has migrated throughout Europe and to the rest of the world. While not every country has been directly affected by the virus (in a public health sort of way) nearly every country is feeling the economic effects of the Coronavirus. Due to the highly-transmittable nature of Coronavirus, each day, thousands of new cases are being found throughout the globe, and it is now bordering on a pandemic in the U.S. Airlines are shutting down, supply chains are being disrupted, major events are being cancelled, schools are closing – all of which will have a major negative impact on GDP in the US.

More acutely, consumer demand in the United States has already plummeted because of the Coronavirus, and as consumer demand decreases, not only are the business to customer companies hurt, but so are their suppliers – who already operate on razor thin working capital margins. Even companies that aren’t directly affected by the drop in consumer demand will be hurt, as both national and global GDP decline.

Making matters worse is the fact that many factories in China have either temporarily shutdown, or have not returned to completely normal activity – and aren’t expected to for months ahead. If this disruption continues into the late summer, we will then see supply chain disruptions heading into the Christmas season – a time many companies rely on to put them into the black. For now, the delays are manageable, with delays at the ports only being about 6-10 days, but if the availability of migrant labor continues in Asia and throughout the globe and normal capacity isn’t restored, things could get much worse.

Industries Facing Working Capital Shortages Due To Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Trucking
  • Logistics
  • Freight
  • Transportation
  • Import/Export
  • Restaurants
  • Tourism
  • Entertainment
  • Airlines
  • Travel
  • Events
  • Education
  • Health Services

CoronaVirus Loans & Working Capital Options

The key part of weathering Coronavirus for small businesses is making sure you have enough liquidity for your business to ride-out the pandemic. But what are the options available to small businesses hurt by the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Below are a look at some of the business loans and working capital options for businesses hurt by SARS-CoV-2:

Paycheck Protection Program

Passed in late March 2020 under the CARES Act this program covers the cost of a business’s payroll, along with rent/lease, mortgage interest rates and the costs associated with their employee’s health insurance.

Rates 0% if forgiven (4% if not forgiven)
Terms Up to 10 years
Funding Amounts Up to $10,000,000
Collateral None required
Fees 0%


SBA Express Loans

This program also saw changes with Congress’s passing of the CARES legislation. Whereas the flagship SBA 7(a) program may have a funding time up to 30 days (sometimes as long as 45 days), the SBA Express program has a much faster turnaround because the lender’s aren’t required to go through the standard processes associated with sending the loan package to the SBA and wait up to 20 days. Instead, the final SBA approval has a turnaround with the SBA of 36-72 hours.

Rates $50,000 or less; prime +6.5%
over $50,000; prime +4.5%
Terms Up to 10 years
Funding Amounts Up to $350,000
Collateral May be required
Fees 0.25 – 3.0%


SBA Disaster Loans

This was the initial program the government used to help providing credit to businesses affected by the Coronavirus / COVID-19 epidemic. The program had offered up to $2,000,000 in funding at 3.75% interest over 30 years. Since then, Congress has passed legislation diverting rescue efforts into the Paycheck Protection Program as well as the 7(a) and 7(a) Express. With that having been said, this program is still operational, but has many hundreds of thousands of applicants and limited manpower to process them, slowing down the underwriting and funding process.

Rates 3.75%
Terms Up to 30 years
Funding Amounts Up to $2,000,000
Collateral May be required
Fees 0%


EIDL Cash Advance

With Congress having passed the CARES act legislation, there has been a shift away from the EIDL for larger funding amount, and thus: have essentially converted the EIDL into a cash advance program, offering businesses access to $10,000 as a cash advance to use as they need as they wait for approval for other SBA programs. This cash advance has minimal requirements and doesn’t need to be repaid — regardless if you are approved or denied for other programs.

Rates Free
Terms None
Funding Amounts $10,000
Collateral Not required
Fees $0


Coronavirus SBA Loans

The Small Business Administration offers both disaster loans, and SBA enhanced financing to small businesses that meet the SBA financing guidelines. The general SBA 7(a) program is designed to encourage banks, community lenders and credit unions to provide loans to businesses that don’t qualify for conventional financing but have solid revenue and profitability. The SBA will cover up to 90% of the conventional lender’s losses should the small business fail to fully-repay their loan; thus: removing nearly all the risk from the lender.

Rates 6-8%
Terms 3-30 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Possibly Required
Fees Low costs


Coronavirus Alternative Working Capital Loans

For companies that are now considered “high-risk” like trucking, transportation, freight, import/export, restaurants, and businesses with lots of customer foot-traffic, or have have large groups of customers frequenting at a given time (airlines, movie theaters, events, etc), there are working capital options. These types of loans have minimal paperwork, minimal credit score requirements, and can fund within a day or two – if not immediately. Granted, the rates and terms aren’t nearly as favorable as you would find with bank loan, it’s the availability that is the key – with approval rates as high as 90% — even during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Rates 8-15%
Terms 1-5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
No Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Coronavirus Lines of Credit

There are multiple types of credit lines available to businesses affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in both secured and unsecured structure. The SBA offers a secured interest-only line of credit for all business (not just affected by Coronavirus). Additionally, there are 0% APR unsecured lines of credit for businesses affected by Coronavirus. Both of these programs require a credit score of, at least, 680 to qualify.

Rates As low as 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Possibly Required
Fees Medium costs


Coronavirus Equipment Leasing

While working capital may be the top need for many companies affected by Coronavirus, for companies that are in need of purchasing equipment, but are unable to get a loan to make the purchase, and option may be to simply lease business equipment. By leasing the equipment, you don’t actually own it (the lender does) so therefore the risk exposure to the lender is limited, as they can always reclaim such equipment should the business become unable to service the lease payments

Rates 7-15%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $5,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Coronavirus Cash Advances

This type of financing may be tricky, because it involves the sale of future business revenue by companies affected by the Coronavirus. But if the company is seeing revenues dramatically decrease, the future revenues are going to suffer. With such a risk to the cash advance funder, they will price the advance, accordingly, making sure that the rate matches the risk. In short, it can become a very expensive type of financing. But it may be the difference between the business riding-out the pandemic or going out-of-business.

Rates 1.08 – 1.49
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $2,500-$2,000,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


These are the main coronavirus business financing and COVID-19 working capital options. While the options are not plentiful, there are solutions for nearly all industries affected by Coronavirus. If you are a business affected by Coronavirus looking for Working Capital loans and lines of credit, and need help securing such financing, please reach-out to our experts, and we can help you obtain the best rates and terms for your business.

Minnesota Business Loans: North Star State Business Funding Wed, 04 Sep 2019 06:46:38 +0000

Minnesota Business Financing

The state home to over 10,000 lakes and the largest mall in America is also native to many fortune 500 companies and favorite brands that are used all around the world. Some include Target, General Mills, and 3M to name a few—which means it is home to hugely-popular brands like Post-its and Cheerios originated. Though, what remains to be a powerhouse industry within the state is agriculture and food production. Crops and livestock were among the first industries in Minnesota, as it has rich prairie soils, good growing season and plentiful water resources that have all contributed to its top ranking in food production. Minnesota remains to be overall, the 5th in crop production, 5th in total agricultural production, and 8th in livestock production. To put Minnesota’s influence on agriculture more into perspective, for over 50 years starting back to the late 1800s Minneapolis was known as the “Flour Milling Capital of the World.”  As for today, agricultural production and processing in Minnesota alone account for $57.5 billion in sales and more than 147,000 jobs. Additionally, Minnesota ranks eighth in the number of farms—73,300—and 10th in the number of USDA-certified organic farms. As we can see, Minnesota contributes tremendously to the business of agriculture and continues to be home to the nations largest food production companies.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

Individually, Minnesota ranks among the top 10 in more than 20 agricultural products. These include sugar beets, turkey, red kidney beans, oats, sweet corn, and soybeans that make up some of the lists. Thus, naturally, the business culture in Minnesota centers around the distribution of agricultural commodities and is home to some of the nations largest food production companies. Among them are Cargill, General Mills, Mosaic, Land O’Lakes, and Hormel Foods. Minnesota also manufactures the tools, equipment, and machinery used to create these products. The Midwest state additionally has many public and private food education and research facilities, primarily found at The University of Minnesota, where it continues to teach and lead in agricultural innovations.

Therefore, with the companies that were mentioned before we can see a trend in conglomerates that contribute to Minnesota’s economy—mostly ranging from agriculture to retail stores. One of the more popular and well-known businesses founded in Minnesota and known to the U.S. is Target. It is the second-largest discount store retailer in the United States, just behind Walmart and has steadily gained momentum since its opening. As of 2017, Target operates 1,834 discount stores throughout the United States, and it includes several different retail formats. With its recognizable bull’s eyes symbol and store color red, it is what consumers most identify with without even saying or seeing the Target name. Moreover, although it classifies as a discount store, it is usually defined as a superstore where you can conveniently buy everything you need in one place. Target continues to be one of Walmart’s biggest competitors today and one of Minnesota’s most successful companies.

On the other hand, we have the company known as Cargill that was founded in Minnetonka, Minnesota back in 1865. It is a global corporation that stands as the largest privately held corporation in the United States regarding revenue, and as a public company, it would rank as number 15 on the Fortune 500 just ahead of AT&T. Cargill services significant businesses with trading, purchasing, and distribution grain and other agricultural commodities stemming from palm oil, steel, and transport, and produce food ingredients such as starch and vegetable oils and fats. It continues to be a family-owned business, and its success is mainly due to reinvestment of the company’s earnings rather than public financing. Specifically, the company also is responsible for 25% of all the United States grain exports and supplies about 22% of the US domestic meat market. Cargill has and continues to contribute to the success of Minnesota’s business economy.

Our last honorable mention is another well-known brand that goes by General Mills. Located in the suburb of Golden Valley, Minnesota it was founded in 1865. The multinational American manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods found in retail stores is home to some of Americans favorite products. Some include Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Totino’s, Cheerios, Trix, Cocoa Puffs, and Lucky Charms. It does not stop there; General Mills has a portfolio of products that consist of more than 89 other leading brands in the U.S. and around the world. Thus when observing and looking at the history and current business environment of Minnesota, individuals interested in joining or working in the Midwestern state should take into consideration what has worked, why, and model after their successes.

Types of Minnesota Small Business Loans

Nearly every business will look to obtain some sort of conventional or alternative business funding at some point in time, and Minnesota businesses are no exception. Whether it be to finance a new venture, or working capital to help your growing business thrive, there are plenty of financing options available. Below we will take a look at the most common small business funding options available to Minnesota businesses.

Minnesota Term Loans

With rates starting in the mid-single digits, and terms ranging up to 30 years (depending upon use) a conventional bank term loan is the most-preferred form of financing for Minnesota small businesses. Uses for term loans include general operation purposes like purchasing equipment, hiring employees, making payroll, purchasing supplies and other working capital purposes. But term loans are also used for long-term uses such as acquisitions, and consolidation & refinancing business debt.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-30 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Secured Line of Credit

If you’re a small business looking for revolving funds (which allow you to access a line of credit to draw funds from whenever you need) you will generally need some sort of business collateral. Most common forms of collateral used to secure a line of credit include real estate, inventory and accounts receivables.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral A/R Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Unsecured Line of Credit

With an unsecured loan for a Minnesota small business, you aren’t expected to use your company’s business assets as collateral. Since the financing is unsecured, you will need to have fantastic credit, and must exhibit strong financials that show you clearly have the ability to service the new debt.

Rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota SBA Loans

What makes a Minnesota SBA loan different than a conventional business loan? As far as the structure, not much is different. The only difference is how much the lender is exposed should there be a default. An SBA loan is simply a conventional loan provided by a bank, but whereas a conventional loan exposes the lender to losses if the Minnesota small business defaults, an SBA loan reduces the lenders’ exposure because the government agrees to cover much of their losses.

Rates 5-8%
Terms 3-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Alternative Loans

Sometimes a Minnesota small business is profitable, and the owner has decent credit, but that’s not enough to get approved for a conventional business loan. When that is the situation, the next best option is to seek-out alternative financing options. Alternative business loans have decent rates and adequate terms for working capital purposes and require a fraction of the paperwork than a conventional loan.

Rates 10-25%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Equipment Leasing

This type of financing used by Minnesota small businesses to acquire equipment is the most common equipment financing option. Equipment leasing allows the Minnesota small businesses to get vital business equipment immediately, without having to wait days and weeks for a loan to complete.

Rates 7-25%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Asset Based Financing

Whether it be accounts receivable financing, or factoring of receivables, an asset-based business loan is a preferred form of alternative financing for Minnesota small businesses that are looking to leverage their unpaid invoices from clients into immediate business financing. While A/R financing is a line of credit using the A/R as collateral, factoring is the actual sale of these unpaid invoices to an asset-based lender.

Rates 0.5-2.5%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $250,000-$10,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Minnesota Cash Advance

This form of financing is very short in term (usually under 18 months) and very high interest rates, its also the easiest form of financing for a Minnesota small business to get approved for (with 90% of companies being approved). A Minnesota business cash advance isn’t a loan, it’s the sale of their company’s future receivables, and approval for such requires good cash flow. Therefore, a Minnesota can get funded with a merchant cash advance even if they have bad credit.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


As we mentioned above, the traditional and alternative funding options for Minnesota small businesses are plentiful. The key is finding the right option that meets your business’s individual needs. If you are a Minnesota small business in the market for financing and need help understanding your options, please reach-out to one of our funding specialists, and we’ll help you navigate the process.

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Chicago Business Loans: Windy City Small Business Funding Wed, 04 Sep 2019 06:13:24 +0000

Chicago Business Financing

Chicago businesses have the luxury of being home to the most balanced economy in the United States. It has a high level of diversification and a vital business center, and on top of that, it was voted to have the greatest number of new or expanded corporate facilities in the United States. Furthermore, the field of science and engineering within Chicago has the third-largest workforce of any metropolitan area in the nation. Manufacturing, printing, and publishing also contribute a great deal to their economy. On top of that, Chicago Illinois has produced 12 Nobel Prize winners all from a background in finance; the Midwest state has the second-largest central business district in the United States. Newer companies are thriving in Chicago too, startup companies like CareerBuilder, Basecamp, Groupon, Orbitz, and NowSecure are all based here. Thus, Chicago has remained a top state for professionals looking to start or grow their business in a wide range of markets.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

There also has never been a better time for eager businessmen and women to launch a startup in Chicago. The current environment is robust with an active network of investors earnest to ensure young tech companies have the funding and mentoring needed to succeed. So in 2018, Chicago has taken notice of up to 50 startup companies that are poised to make a significant impact in the tech world with their innovative ideas and unique talent pushing the industry to new heights and beyond. Some notable companies are The Graide Network, and Intelligent Flying Machines, Inc. The Graide Network seeks to give overworked teachers a break by connecting them with virtual teaching assistants. The “graiders” are either aspiring teachers in college or those who’ve completed a four-year degree and enrolled in teaching programs. The assistants do things such as grading writing assignments and providing students with feedback on strengths and areas that need improvement. Moreover, Intelligent Flying Machines, Inc., keeps track of inventory in a warehouse as they believe it is a time-consuming task that is better suited for robots than humans. Hence, IFM has built drones that are capable of navigating indoor environments and capturing data without the help of a human. There are many more companies continuing to shape the tech industry in Chicago making it a great place for professionals looking to make an impact in a variety of business sectors.

The windy city is also home to fresh and exciting small-businesses that are flourishing and bringing excitement to its business culture. The first being a quirky store going by, The Boring Shop that sells everything you need to be a secret agent. With their fake mustaches and high-tech surveillance equipment for sale, they also provide a non-profit writing and tutoring center for local students. Indeed, a store in a league of its own. Chicago also has a charitable business called Flowers For Dreams—a florist that donates a backpack full of school supplies to a student in need for every bouquet purchased. What’s also cool about this company is that the flowers are sourced organically, grown sustainably, and delivered locally in and around Boston and Chicago. Arrangements are made to order, so no flowers are wasted unnecessarily. In their first year, they Flowers For Dreams was able to donate more than 2,000 backpacks to more than 2,000 students in need. As for bike enthusiast, Heritage Bicycles General Store is a combination of a bike shop and coffee house. They design and build custom-made bikes and sell fantastic bike accessories and bike-themed items, like jewelry made out of bike parts.

Furthermore, Chicago is widely known for its famous hot dogs and thus has many cool hot dog shops, one of them being Hot Doug’s. It’s a sausage superstore that has more than a dozen signature and unique varieties—even one being a meatless hotdog for the vegan and vegetarian customers and a jalapeno rattlesnake sausage. All the dogs can be doctored up with ten different condiments and some spectacular sides too. Another cool company is related to home décor. Bethie B is an online company that specializes in hand-painted and custom-made pillows. They also buy and sell recycled interiors, furnishings, and art.

Moreover, within the hospitality industry, a high-tech alternative boutique hotel named the ACME Hotel Company in Chicago is becoming popular with the locals. It is a hotel that caters to a very hip crowd as they offer tech-savvy hookups like lightning fast Wi-Fi and big screen LED TVs in every room. The rooms are also alt-rock themed from the classic record albums lining the walls of their elevators. Therefore, when observing the type of industries discussed, we can see that Chicago is a professional hub for creative and smart individuals involved in a plethora of businesses.

Types of Chicago Loans

There aren’t a shortage of funding options for Chicago small businesses of every size and credit type. Regardless of whether you’ve a one-person business only open a few months, or a multi-million dollar enterprise there are plenty of funding options for virtually any business use. Below we will take a look at the most common financing options available to Windy City small businesses.

Chicago Term Loans

Term loans are easily the most common financing product used by Chicago small businesses. They reason is simple: conventional term loans are the most useful and cost-effective forms of business financing available. Term loans can be used for nearly any business need, and the low cost and long terms associated helps the Chicago small business service the debt easier than any other form of commercial financing.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-30 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Secured Line of Credit

While term loans are the most common financing product used by Windy City small businesses, a line of credit is just as useful, if not more useful than a term loan. Why? Because a line of credit is a pre-approved type of financing that allows Chicago small businesses to access cash whenever they need it without having to obtain further approval to access the funds.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral A/R Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Unsecured Line of Credit

An unsecured line of credit functions almost identically to a secured line of credit (being that they are both preapproved types of financing that allows the small business to draw on funds as needed). But the main difference is that a secured line of credit requires the Chicago small business to provide collateral for the financing, whereas the unsecured line of credit doesn’t require collateral (but does require the business owner to have fantastic credit).

Rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago SBA Loans

SBA loans are commonly used by Chicago small businesses seeking either term loans, lines of credit or both, but have been unable to get approved for these conventional financing products from their bank or credit union. While conventional lenders originate SBA loans, the U.S. government agrees to cover most of these SBA lenders’ losses if the Chicago small businesses default on part or all their loans.

Rates 5-8%
Terms 3-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Alternative Loans

An alternative loan is any loan that is not provided by a conventional or SBA lender. Alternative lenders tend to be web-based and have much lower credit and revenue requirements than you’d have with a conventional lender. Additionally, alternative loans don’t require collateral (as both conventional and SBA lenders usually require) but the rates are higher, and terms are shorter than more traditional small business loans.

Rates 10-25%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Equipment Leasing

Why would a Chicago small business choose to lease business equipment rather than purchase the equipment? There are a few reasons, but the most common are upfront costs and life expectancy of the equipment. With a lease you are only required to put-down 10% of the equipment’s costs – as opposed to the full price with a purchase. And rather than being stuck with outdated equipment after a few years, the Chicago small business will have the option to return the equipment, extend the term, or purchase outright.

Rates 7-25%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Asset Based Financing

Asset based lines of credit are collateralized with the business’s assets including accounts receivables, inventory, real estate or future receivables. With that having been said, the most common form of collateral – by far – is A/R. While the A/R is used as collateral for a line of credit, with factoring the invoices are sold rather than collateralized.

Rates 0.5-2.5%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $250,000-$10,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Chicago Cash Advance

This is the most common type of financing product used by Chicago small businesses who either have bad credit, need working capital within a day or so, or don’t have the profitability needed for conventional financing. Unlike a loan, a Chicago business cash advance is the sale of the company’s future receivables. By selling these future receivables the company is able to access cash immediately.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


As mentioned above, there are a plethora of funding options available to Chicago small businesses. The key is to learn about all options, and find a lender that will give you the best rates and terms. If you are a Chicago small business looking for financing and need help understanding your options, please reach-out to one of our financing specialists, and we’ll help you get the best loan available.

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Phoenix Business Loans: Valley of the Sun Business Financing Wed, 04 Sep 2019 05:37:54 +0000

Phoenix Business Funding

How companies engage with possible workers and structure, their workforce is partially due to the current trends that are shaping the business environment. With the influx of a new generation of workers comes a new business atmosphere that will undoubtedly contribute to many changes and advancements. Moreover, with establishments main concerns centering around labor, capital, and its customers, these are sure to be affected too. Therefore, Phoenix businesses have been focusing on their economic development, growth, advantages of their location, and the new workforce.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

To fully understand the workings of Phoenix companies, it is vital to understand the dynamics of how metropolitan regions are concerning the commercialization of new ideas and business models. As reported, Phoenix ranks as 11th on the list of 20 metro areas that have the highest average startup rates. Meaning, Phoenix has become an area for new and up and coming entrepreneurs that have been benefiting from the eager current leaders determined to form latest developments with the changing times. All across the valley, people are getting together to share ideas that will evoke innovation and develop new plans and thus, further companies. Seeing leaders come to form together new industries puts in place a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem that assists the formation of high-value sectors. Through coalitions like the #yesPHX, people have serviced themselves in providing resources to entrepreneurs and startups. Specifically, mentorship capital and a push to help reduce the mortality rate of emerging businesses. Leaders have also taken the initiative to market the Phoenix region as a destination for business growth and success along with pushing awareness of the tech advances entering into markets, in goals of becoming America’s first “smart region.”

There are also federal efforts taking place to continue pushing Phoenix businesses to the top. With the tax reforms and modernization of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), it is predicted to impact Arizona, and the business and economic climate positively. Within the last several years, Arizona has made many strategic changes to its tax system, resulting in a strengthening of the states overall competitiveness. The national tax reform paired with a NAFTA with todays economy sets Arizona up to be ahead of the game for business growth. Additionally, as a city in a border state they are already a top trading partner with Mexico, and bringing NAFTA in will significantly increase export-oriented jobs. Lastly, the valley is gearing up to further their economic growth with water. Public leaders of Arizona are making an effort to bring stakeholders together to ensure Arizona’s water security, including reliable access to the Colorado River and Lake Mead water levers for the future.

To expand on Arizona’s geographical advantages, their proximity to California and ports of entry to the United States, specifically the West Valley, perfectly reaps the benefits of businesses relocation from California as a result of a secure transportation network in this region. What creates the spine for economic development, critical investments in technology, water, and energy is infrastructure and have prepared the West Valley for not only one smart city but a collection of smart cities adding up to 3,000 square miles west of the 1-17. Further, there is an anticipated growth of forty-three percent over the next 25 years to occur in the West Valley; thus business and political leaders should pay close attention to the opportunities in the Phoenix area.

As for technology, Phoenix has seen a vast expansion in the East Valley, in particular, Chandler. It has been attracting high-tech and financial companies, and even autonomous vehicles. Technology aids in the ability to connect and initiates communication and has created an even stronger work environment for the city. Phoenix has also benefited from its variety of business sectors it has built. Everything from Aerospace and defense, bioscience and healthcare, to manufacturing—have all been critical to maintaining the diversity of Phoenix. In fact, these trades have been a part of adding an impressive number of new jobs. From 2012 to 2017 alone, business and financial services industries have added more than 13,000 jobs statewide, equally a growth rate of 38 percent. The diversity of employment has also positively contributed to the states overall decline in unemployment rates since 2007 further indicating Arizona’s economic strength.

To conclude, Phoenix also has partnerships such as the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, the City of Phoenix and Maricopa County that are dedicated to supporting Phoenix businesses expansion. It was designed to strengthen their regions overall competitiveness by connecting businesses to resources, influencing public policy, and gathering industry intelligence. There are also companies such as the ACA that recently launched a business plan committed to expanding technology within Arizona that are sure to benefit Phoenix businesses.

Types of Phoenix Loans

There are endless uses of financing for Phoenix Small businesses. The most common uses for financing include acquiring a Phoenix business, paying off or refinancing business debt, upgrades to facilities, expanding to new locations, marketing & advertising, inventory as well many other uses. Below we will take a look at the most common types of business financing for Phoenix small businesses.

Phoenix Term Loans

Term loans are clearly the most preferred type of financing for not only Phoenix small businesses, but all small businesses nationally. Term loans can be used for virtually any business use including purchasing a Phoenix business, consolidating and refinancing business debt, working capital as well as just about any other business need.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-30 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Secured Line of Credit

There are two types of lines of credit: secured and unsecured. An unsecured LOC works a lot like a credit card in that you have access to preapproved funds (with a limit). As with a credit card, you only pay interest on the money you draw – not the overall amount you’re approved for. The line of credit is secured by business assets – most commonly accounts receivables.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral A/R Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Unsecured Line of Credit

Whereas a secured line of credit is collateralized with the business’s assets, an unsecured line of credit doesn’t require and business or personal collateral at all. But it does require the Phoenix small business owner to have exceptional credit and a strong history of not exposing themselves to high credit limits.

Rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix SBA Loans

Many people hear the term “SBA loan” and assume that it’s a difficult process with never-ending amount of paperwork that takes many months to fund – but that’s not the case at all. In fact, an SBA loan can fund anywhere from 5-30 days depending on use. And while there is more paperwork and documentation required for an SBA loan than an alternative loan, the amount of paperwork really isn’t that time consuming.

Rates 5-8%
Terms 3-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Alternative Loans

While alternative loans for Phoenix small businesses don’t have rates nearly as low as bank term loans or SBA financing, the rates are much lower than you’d expect to see from a merchant cash advance. While alternative loans have good rates and terms, they are relatively easy to qualify for (decent credit and cash flow) and will fund in the fraction of the time than conventional business loans.

Rates 10-25%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Equipment Leasing

There are multiple ways to acquire business equipment. A common form of equipment acquisition is simply a purchase of the equipment using available cash, or by getting a conventional or alternative loan. Another way for a Phoenix small business to obtain financing to get business equipment is to lease the equipment (which only requires a small down-payment).

Rates 7-25%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Asset Based Financing

There are many types of asset-based financing (including using business or personal real estate or inventory as collateral). But the most common form of asset-based financing comes in the form of a line of credit that’s collateralized by the small business’s receivables (called A/R financing). Another way an asset-based line of credit may be structured is not by using the receivables as collateral, but the actual sale of the accounts receivables to a funding company.

Rates 0.5-2.5%
Terms 1-3 years
Funding Amounts $250,000-$10,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Phoenix Cash Advance

While a merchant cash advance is rarely a Phoenix company’s first choice for small business financing, it may come in handy if the Phoenix business has bad credit. While conventional financing requires good credit, a merchant cash advance funder will approve any credit (even bad credit) provided they have decent cash flow to the business’s bank accounts.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


These are only but a handful of the conventional and alternative business financing options for Phoenix small businesses seeking loans. The key is to inform yourself on the options available, and then shop around for the lender that provides the best rate. If you are a Phoenix business seeking financing and need help understanding your options, please reach-out to our financing specialists, and we’ll help you get the best financing available.

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Mall Food Court Loans: Funding For Mall Restaurants Fri, 30 Aug 2019 03:15:02 +0000

Food Court Funding

Food courts have always been found at the corners of malls occupying their own space for shoppers in need of a quick bit so that they can get back to their shopping. As a result of their grab-and-go and fast formats, they have created an expectation from consumers; meaning, a competitive variety in spaces like malls, airports, and transportation centers. However, experts are seeing that this alone will not keep them afloat. Thus there is an emphasis on brands to market what differentiates them from others and to provide convenient and excellent customer service. Therefore, many malls and major stores are adopting the food court layout as well as trends associated with their services.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

One of the biggest companies developing their food courts is Costco. They are famous for having cheap and yummy options for their customers and are now revamping portions of their food court menu. They have replaced some less healthy items—such as barbeque and chocolate frozen yogurt—with vegetarian salads and acai bowls. Other Costco trends seem to be aimed at keeping up with current trends toward healthier eating. Another new dish is an al pastor salad with plant-based protein. The changes have not been wholly accepted though as Costco customers tend to be older and more suburban. That might make them less eager for change, and suggest challenges ahead as Costco attempts to increase its appeal to younger shoppers while holding on to their core shoppers. Either way, they are leading the pack in pushing for new and better food items at their food courts.

However, as some food courts are expanding on the old concepts, a new food court is emerging. Food halls are opening up across the U.S., and Instead of consisting of only fast food chains, food halls typically mix local artisan restaurants, butcher shops, and other food-oriented boutiques under one roof. Many of them celebrate quirkiness versus uniformity, and their ability to pull in crowds is particularity appealing to landlords that are battling the e-commerce and changing shopping habits we now see. Now they have been around in Europe for years, but are becoming increasingly popular in the United States as consumers are demanding healthier and better-tasting “quick casual” food options in fun environments. By 2019, there is expected to be over 200 food halls, about double the number that was open in late 2016. However, they are not just in retail outlets. Plans for a food hall on the ground floor of a planned residential and office tower in downtown Oakland is in development.

Hence, there are prominent food halls that have been conquering major cities such as New York, LA, Portland, Atlanta, and Denver that are vital to the development of food court businesses. There are no doubts that food halls are changing the ways Americans experience fast-casual chains. However, there are some negatives which include a more crowded space, long lines, lack of ambiance, and general sensory overload with diners being bombarded with too many different options. Nevertheless, they remain a new and exciting concept. A lot of the more modern developments are showcasing big names like Anthony Bourdain and celebrity chefs too. Bringing us to some of the most exciting food halls across the country that just opened or will be soon.

The super chef José Andrés has teamed up with modernist cuisine chefs to include a market area with various vendors for stand-up dining as well as multiple restaurants including a tapas bar, and plenty of retail for visitors to pick up imported foods. The Hudson Yards is being touted as the largest private real estate development in the history of the U.S. and will also be home to other influential names. All these figures are helping to cement food halls as the go-to food court concept. Another food hall can be found in D.C. called Isabella Eatery that opening in the fall of 2017. Moreover, the TV personality from Top Chef named Mike Isabella is transforming the entire top story of the massive Tysons Corner shopping mall into a food hall to a bevy of his concepts. Among the eight dining options available, Isabella includes an Italian, Sushi, and Spanish restaurant. Lastly, another critical food hall is located in Oregon, and it is their first called the Portland Food Hall. It brought with it seven micro-restaurants, a cocktail bar, and communal dining space. It also includes a coffee shop, juice bar, and healthy veggie bowls. Hence, food courts are expanding more and more by offering higher quality foods and unique layouts to keep their consumers interested and coming back for more.

Types of Mall Food Court Loans

The most common uses of mall food court restaurant loans are:

Below we will take a look at the most common loans for these uses, as well as the rates, terms and other characteristics of these small business financing products.

Term Loans

For any small business owner looking to open a restaurant in a mall food court, the first place to look is to conventional business lenders to get a bank term loan. A bank term loan can range anywhere from 3-10 years for working capital purposes and longer if for a new acquisition or build-out. Will need to have fantastic credit, and if your company is already established and producing revenue, will need to show profitability to get approved.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Secured Line of Credit

A secured line of credit is definitely a preferred financing product for not only mall food court restaurants, but for all small businesses because of the flexibility it offers. Unlike a term loan (where you receive one lump sum and pay that back each month) a line of credit allows you to have access to funds, but only requires you to pay interest on the amount you draw.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral A/R Required
Fees Medium costs


Unsecured Line of Credit

An unsecured line of credit for mall food court restaurants is almost identical to a secured line of credit except for the requirements needed to get approved. While a secured line of credit will be collateralized by the business and personal assets of the business owner, an unsecured line of credit is uncollateralized and solely credit driven. Understanding that its credit driven, an unsecured line of credit requires the business owner to have fantastic credit.

Rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Medium costs


SBA Loans

SBA loans are the most common financing tool used for starting new business (utilizing the SBA 7(a) loan program). While the SBA lending program is administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration, the loans aren’t actually provided by the government. Instead of lending to small business owners and food court restaurants directly, the SBA encourages conventional lenders to provide financing through an SBA enhancement – which is a guarantee to cover most of the lender’s losses if the borrower fails to repay the small business loan.

Rates 5-8%
Terms 3-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Alternative Loans

Alternative business loans for food court businesses are a little more expensive than bank term loans, and the terms are also shorter. With that having been said, they are still a quality financing product for restaurants that need financing in less than a week, or for mall food court restaurants that are not yet profitable and, thus; can’t get approved for more conventional bank financing.

Rates 8-25%
Terms 1-5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Medium costs


Equipment Leasing

Because of the unique nature of a mall food court restaurant, a business owner may not want to purchase equipment outright and get stuck with equipment that could be outdated in just a few years. An option that could be beneficial under such circumstances is to simply lease the equipment. By leasing the mall food court restaurant equipment, the business will have the option to either return the equipment at the end of the term, purchase it outright, or extend the term.

Rates 8-25%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not Required
Fees Medium costs


Cash Advance

A mall food court cash advance is the fastest and easiest way for a small business to access financing. In fact, a cash advance’s processes are so quick, you can be approved within an hour and funded within two hours. A cash advance is a unique financing tool in that its not a loan but, instead, the sale of the mall food court restaurant’s future earnings to a funding company in exchange for immediate financing.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


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Subway Loans: Working Capital For Subway Franchises Thu, 29 Aug 2019 03:28:03 +0000

Subway Business Funding

One of the most popular, lucrative, and fastest growing franchises in America is Subway. It is currently the most inquired about “how–to” open a franchise on the internet. Subway franchises were founded in 1965, and have been franchising for 45 years and are still pushing through. The fast food restaurant can be seen primarily selling submarine sandwiches, wraps, paninis, salads, breakfast sandwiches (only available in some stores), flatbread, English muffins, with add-on items such as chips, baked goods, and drinks. Today, it is franchised throughout the United States and in more than 100 countries, 42,000 stores (more than half in North America.), with locations in traditional and non-traditional places alike. Subway franchises are the largest single-brand restaurant chain and the largest restaurant establishment in the world. Thus, to franchise a Subway an initial requirement of $150,000-$328,700, a net worth requirement of $80,000-$310,000, and a liquid cash requirement of $30,000 would be needed. Also, ongoing fees include an initial franchise fee of $15,000, a royalty fee of 8%, and an ad royalty fee of 4.5%.

Quick-jump to the following sections:

Therefore, there are several reasons why Subway franchises have captured the taste buds of consumers all around the world and have the potential to be a wise investment opportunity. One is their ability to change when needed, such as the ingredients used on their menus. Subway franchises announced in 2016 that they would be implementing a new logo and redesign, along with an updated menu as of July 2017.  Calling it “Fresh Forward,” the brand now features self-order kiosks; USB charging ports at tables; and new menu items. The menu now has additional condiments, and bread made without gluten. Changing taste among consumers is the most significant push for this change in Subway establishments. Consumers want more locally sourced produce and hormone-free meat; regionally served start-ups like Sweetgreen are one of Subways biggest competitors and are one of the leading causes for their drop in sales. As follows, Subway franchises are making an effort to accommodate current consumers that are all about freshly made items at a great price. Subway has even gone so far as to invest in a $25 million re-branding campaign to target young consumers, the ones mainly pushing for more wholesome ingredients, to boost their image and sales. The new campaign includes focusing on the sourcing of Subway’s ingredients, such as phasing out antibiotic-treated meat and not celebrity endorsed products. Willing to do what it takes to grow where demand may be, Subway franchises continue to stay secure even with the changing times.

Therefore, besides market changes and upgrades to their business, Subway also offers ways to get to know their business on a more personal level—not offered at most other franchises. Subway offers regular free seminars where those interested in joining their team can meet Subway representatives and hear straight from the people involved every day. Their website also lists existing franchises that are up for sale and in great detail how to apply to become a franchisee of Subway. Once approved, the Subway training course is two weeks long and teaches business concepts, methods of operation, and necessary management skills. The time spent in the classroom for training and on-site at a local Subway franchise for hands-on experience. Once the two weeks are completed, each prospective franchisee is expected to pass an exam to become a Subway franchisee. A total of 8 to 12 employees is required to start running the Subway franchise. After the store is set up and everyone adequately trained, Subway also offers purchasing co-ops, grand opening support, and a toll-free line, field support, meetings, newsletters, and the internet. For their marketing, Subway will offer local media, national media, and other ad options to give your business much exposure.

Moreover, there are more than one type of Subway that is franchised; traditional and non-traditional full-service restaurants. Non-traditional location options include units that are full-service but are housed with another business. Locations can consist of a convenience store, gasoline stations, department stores, universities, hospitals, parks, sports arenas, airports, theme parks, military bases, and business complexes. As we can see, Subway has a diverse and wide range of locations offered for its franchisees. Lastly, Subway offers discounts and a reduced fee for people that qualify. Hence, US veterans that are eligible that purchase a Subway franchise receives a discount. They also contribute to financing $10,000 of the franchise fee if franchisees are purchasing their first franchise and they qualify under its minority loan program. A similar discount may be offered to franchisees purchasing a franchise for a low-density market. Therefore, the Subway brand is committed to operating restaurants that are environmentally and socially responsible as possible and strives to create profit for franchisees—improving the lives of customers, employees, franchisees, vendors, and communities worldwide.

Types of Subway Loans

Nearly every Subway franchise owner will seek a franchise business loan at some point in time. Some will look to the SBA to help start or purchase their franchise. Others will seek-out more alternative franchise financing to help with their operation and general franchise working capital uses. Below we will take a look at the most common types of financing available to Subway franchise owners.

Term Loans

The most common form of conventional financing for a Subway franchise is a traditional bank term loan. Term loans are used to start Subway franchises, acquisition of a franchise, commercial real estate loans, and working capital. Conventional term loans have the best rates and longest terms available for franchise owners, but to get approved you need to have great credit and a strong net worth. With that having been said, to get approved for a Subway franchise you will need the same. Therefore, if you qualify to own a Subway, you probably will qualify for a bank term loan.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Secured Line of Credit

A secured line of credit is a great form of flexible financing that allows Subway franchise owners access to preapproved financing whenever they need it without having to start a loan from the beginning. A secured line of credit is collateralized against the franchise’s assets, and may be adjusted periodically depending upon what the company’s financial statements show.

Rates 5-15%
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral A/R Required
Fees Medium costs


Unsecured Line of Credit

An unsecured line of credit for Subway franchises works a lot like a secured line of credit, in that they are both a form of pre-approved financing that allows the franchisee to access cash whenever they need it. The difference is that with an unsecured line of credit there isn’t a requirement for the line of credit be collateralized against business assets. Therefore, to qualify the business owner must have a very strong credit score.

Rates 0% for 12 months
Terms 1-2 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not be Required
Fees Medium costs


SBA Loans

SBA loans are a common financing tool for franchise owners – especially at the startup stage. SBA loans are nothing more than conventional loans, but the difference between a SBA 7(a) enhanced loan and a conventional loan is that the lender isn’t exposed to much risk because the U.S. Small Business Administration agrees to cover most of the SBA franchise lender’s losses if the franchisee fails to fully-repay the loan.

Rates 5-8%
Terms 3-25 years
Funding Amounts $50,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Alternative Loans

Alternative business loans are used by Subway franchise owners who need fast access to capital without the long approval process that they’d face if seeking a bank loan. Alternative loans require minimal business paperwork and documentation, and can be approved and funded within as little as 5 business days.

Rates 8-25%
Terms 1-5 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$500,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Medium costs


Equipment Leasing

Equipment leasing is an alternative financing for franchise owners seeking new equipment, but don’t want to pay the full-cost of the equipment upfront. With equipment leasing, the Subway franchise owner only needs to pay 10% of the costs down, and then can make monthly payments over a period of time until the end of the lease, when they will then be provided the option of extending the term, purchasing the equipment, or returning the business equipment.

Rates 0.5-2.5%
Terms 1-10 years
Funding Amounts $10,000-$5,000,000
Collateral Required
Fees Medium costs


Cash Advance

A franchise cash advance is a way for any business to obtain financing for emergency uses in as little as a few hours. Unlike a loan, a cash advance is the sale of the Subway franchise’s future revenue at a discount, in order to obtain immediate financing. The amount of funding a Subway franchise will qualify for depends upon the monthly cash-flow into the business bank account, or by monthly credit card sales.

Factor rates 1.10 – 1.50
Terms 3-24 months
Funding Amounts $5,000-$2,000,000
Collateral Not required
Fees Low to High costs


Getting approved for a franchise business loan isn’t difficult for owners of Subway franchises, because many of the requirements needed to open or purchase your franchise, will be the same requirements required by lenders. The key is finding the right lender that best fits your business needs. If you are a Subway franchise owner/operator and looking for financing, please reach-out to one of our financing specialists and we’ll help you navigate the process.

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